Selección de nueva clase

Between September 1st and October 7th, 2009, ProyectArte received over 80 application packages for the 2010 Artist´s Scholarship Program. The applicants, between the ages of 15 and 18, represented a large part of the populuation of City of Buenos Aires and its surrounding areas, such us Beccar, La Plata, La Tablada, Villa Martelli, Lanús, Lomas del Mirador, Remedios de Escalada, Banfield, Almirante Brown, Florencio Varela, Haedo, Los Cardales, Morón, San Miguel, San Fernando, Temperley, Hurlingham, Berazategui, Villa Celina y Villa Luzuriaga. On October 9th, in a studio of over 800 works of student art, well-known artists Jorge Perrín, Horacio D´Alessandro y Karina Peisajovich evaluated the works and selected the applicants to proceed to the next level of the application process. Between October 26 and November 6, ProyectArte will be evaluating the aplication forms and coordinating interviews in cases deemed necessary. During the second week of Dicember ProyectArte will publish final results in it´s web site.DSCN0575