Diverso y Singular: ProyectArte en el Borges

This show features drawings, paintings, objects, and installations by 20 artists who participated in ProyectArte’s scholarship program between 2003 and 2008. Curated by Ernesto Pesce, the show opened September 16 and ran through October 17.

Twenty young artists, who graduated from ProyectArte’s Scholarship Program between 2005 and 2008, are the focus on “Diverse and Singular,” the first ProyectArte retrospective in the prestigious Borges Cultural Center. It is a multifaceted aesthetic exploration curated by the esteemed visual artist Ernesto Pesce.

ProyectArte offers high-quality arts education without charge, promoting the exchange of ideas and experiences among peers and with distinguished figures in the contemporary Argentine art scene. The Borges exhibition was made possible through the support of the US Embassy, Delta Airlines, the Tuyu Foundation, the National Fund for the Arts, and Thesis bookstore. The show has also received the support of the Ministry of Culture of the City of Buenos Aires.

The 15- to 18-year-olds who study PoryectArte are selected for their works and for the creative potential that they reflect. They arrive having had diverse aesthetic experiences. In ProyectArte, they receive an education that incorporates many different artistic currents, presenting various perspectives on the creative process. “I believe this line of thinking is reflected in the works produced by the students on display in this show,” Pesce explained. “Diversity is the common denominator among these young artists’ bodies of work.”

Pesce highlighted that many ProyectArte graduates remain connected to one another and to ProyectArte long after their scholarships end. Many mount exhibitions and continue to participate in creative activities, carving out an artistic space for themselves through talent and hard work.

The 20 artists whose works were featured in the show are Juan Ignacio Balza, Nestor Burgos, Clara Desimone, Iván Enquin, Mariano García, Damian Stendelis, David Katzowicz, Florencia Buezas, Gonzalo Maciel, Guadalupe Labaké, Julieta Orliaco, Lucila Sánchez Peña, Lucrecia Raimondi, Mercedes Peñalba, Rocío Sztrum, Valeria Díaz, Martín Torres, Alexis Minkiewicz, Paloma Márquez, and Julián Pesce.