Nueva convocatoria para Becas Artísticas Proyectarte

ProyectArte completed its annual call for submissions for their Scholarship Program by distributing one thousand posters, eight thousand flyers, and four thousand stickers to public high schools, public Cultural Centers, community clubs, local libraries, social organizations, and public transportation. The program is aimed at young people between the ages of 15 and 18 who are interested in receving free and formalized training in the visual arts with distinguished Argentine artists.

For those who receive scholarships, the free program will last 18 months and will be taught by Karina Peisajovich and Ernesto Ballesteros, among others. The call for submissions ends May 14th of this year. To be considered, applicants should complete the application form with their information and attach 5 to 10 pieces that they believe are representative of their work. A selection committee consisting of a panel of artists and prominent contemporary Argentine art professionals will complete the preselection process during May, and in June, the staff will conduct individual interviews with the preselected students and their parents. In July, the names of the finalists will be posted on ProyectArte’s website.


Since 2003, 97 young people have received scholarships through ProyectArte’s Scholarship Program. For the 2011-2012 cycle, the Scholarship Program is supported by  the generosity of Fundación YPF, Itau Cultural, and the sponsorship of the Government of the City of Buenos Aires.


Our approach is based on unifying groups of young people by a shared responsibility for their work and environment, and on the unique experience of studying, creating, and displaying art together, in an exchange with artists of extensive domestic and international careers. More information, terms and conditions can be found at