The process is well underway. “Portrait, Miracle Without Geometry” is the name of the silent auction that will bring together the results of a series of encounters between 31 ProyectArte graduates and 26 celebrated artists. Self-portraiture is the order of the day.
Through this unique exchange, ProyectArte sought to create a distinct experience of artistic production, allowing emerging artists to share a space with artists of renown.
These meetings took place in July and August, and several participants have volunteered to share with us their reflections on this special experience.
Lucrecia Raimondi, a graduate of ProyectArte, worked together with Pedro Roth. “The encounter was brief, but it was very motivating,” she explained. “We had a conversation that motivated me to keep working at my art and, above all, to remember that an artist must always be faithful, responsable, and protective of her conception of the work she produces.”
Max Gómez Canlé, an internationally recognized painted, recalled his experience with the recent ProyectArte graduates Matías Presta and Jésica Tortul: “We spent a beautiful morning drawing, it was very natural. The youngsters worked very freely, and their drawings turned out better than mine!” Matías felt that his experience with Max was like a welcoming chat among friends, and he described as “intense” his two meetings with the painter and illustrator Eduardo Medici.
Juan Balza, a 2005 graduate of the Scholarship Program, underscored that his exchange with Ernesto Ballesteros centered more on philosophy that on art history. “Moving forward, I would like to work more conceptually,” he commented.
Diego Perrotta, who has won many artistic awards, opened the doors of his home to the portraits of Ivan Enquín and Mariano Benedetti. “I like to do these things. The meeting was very nice; we chatted for a while and drew a bit.”
Paloma Márquez, a 2007 graduate, characterized her experience working with the visual artist Andrés Labaké as very positive, resembling a clinical workshop. “Above all, we both managed to enrich our understanding of the other,” she explained.
The artist Lucía Sorans, who worked together with ProyectArte students Florentina Gonzales and Martina Nosetto, let her acrylics and oils color her words. “In my face there are currents of energy that are like the most tender meats that I wouldn’t eat, they change when I speak and they direct me to someone who, with his many aspects, gives me the color of time. The presence of each other that changes us together to leave us engrossed in the territory of everyone together, seasoning the instant that a face makes of the moment.”